Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Global Read Aloud

Memorial School participated in the Global Read Aloud (GRA13) this fall. This program, with the slogan "One book to connect the world," was created by an elementary school teacher from Madison, WI. For six weeks, starting Sept. 30 and ending Nov. 8, participating classrooms across the world read a book, different for each grade grouping, aloud. The choice this year for K-1 students was six different Eric Carle books. This gave us the perfect opportunity to learn all about this truly special author/illustrator and read a different book each week. Eric Carle is definitely a Memorial School favorite!

We looked at a Google Map that had been created for the GRA13 to see all the locations around the world where schools were participating.  Our students were VERY excited to see Memorial School on the map!

We watched Eric Carle himself read The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  

We did what good readers do when listening/reading stories:  We looked at the front and back covers of his books and made predictions before hearing the story.  We also made predictions during the story.  Did you know that good readers are thinkers?

We also learned how Eric Carle makes his illustrations - by painting tissue paper and then cutting it out to make collages.  Our students enjoyed making art like Eric Carle at the Eric Carle Library Center

Mrs. Ravinski's class made a connection with a first grade class in North Carolina.  Both classes read, 10 Little Rubber Ducks.  The NC kids learned some interesting facts about ducks and Mrs. Ravinski's class created a remix of the story by combining elements of this Eric Carle book, Make Way for Ducklings and Knuffle Bunny. In this remix, the 10 rubber ducks end up in many of Boston's well-known locations (think Public Garden, Duck Boats, etc).  The finished product is FANTASTIC!  We shared our book with our new friends in NC via skype and they taught us new facts about real ducks. Did you know that ducks only eat at night when there is a full moon. Can you guess why? Talk about fun and about sharing our work with new friends far away.

When kids came to the library during the 6 weeks of the GRA13, often the very first question would be, "What book are kids reading around the world this week?"  How cool is that - to know we are part of something larger than ourselves.  It's been an awesome experience!

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